Logistic & Customs Services
In the global export process, document legalization is a mandatory requirement in most countries. This ensures that goods can enter a specific country legally. By adhering to the legalization procedure, you can minimize export challenges and ensure smooth access for your goods without delays or penalties in these countries.
We offer comprehensive document services to streamline your shipping process. From customs documentation to bill of lading preparation, we handle it all with precision and care. Trust us to ensure that your paperwork is accurate, compliant, and efficiently managed, so your shipments arrive smoothly.
Ensure documents are legalized solely by the appropriate Embassy, Consulate, Chamber of Commerce, or Document Service provider, typically found in major cities or ports. Document legalization incurs a fee; confirm the exact fees with the chosen Consulate or Service Provider. Required documents and fees may vary based on the commodity type.
AMEIBRA (SL) specializes in customs clearance for both import and export cargo across all Seaports and Airports in west and east African nations. We ensure prompt and secure delivery of all shipments, whether they are containerized or break bulk, general cargo or liquid cargo.
- We clear cargo from the Air Port within 48 hours of ETA
- Sea freight cargo within a maximum period of 7 working days from ETA
- Diplomatic, Perishables and other pre-release items are delivered within few hours of ETA after documents and custom clearance.
We can assist you with:
- Export Document Preparation
- Commercial Invoice and Packing List
- Certificate of Origin
- Export License for Garment
- Health or Sanitary Certificate
- Quarantine Certificate
- Fumigation Certificate
- Bill of Lading for Shipping Line
- Air Way Bill Airline Process
- Customs Document
It is important to ensure all your documents are in order before a shipment is in route or arrives at its destination to avoid incurring delays or fines.
Get in touch with us today and experience first-hand our professional, effective and efficient services.